Presentations at Conferences, Workshops, Schools
(last update: February 10, 2025)
219) February 2025
Cosmology on the steep rise
Sesto Pusteria, Italy
(oral presentation)
218) February 2025
18th National conference on Astronomy and Astrophysics of Iran
Shiraz (remote), Iran
(invited oral presentation)
217) December 2024
A Workshop honoring the contribution of Enrico Costa to science
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
216) December 2024
A Workshop on GRBs and central engine powered transients
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
(invited oral presentation)
215) October 2024
INTEGRAL Workshop 2024
Madrid, Spain
(invited oral presentation)
214) October 2024
High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology in the era of all-sky surveys (HEACOSS 2024)
Yerevan (remote), Armenia
(invited oral presentation)
213) October 2024
Unveiling the Universe with SHARP
Milano, Italy
(oral presentation)
212) September 2024
VII Gran Sasso International Forum
Teramo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
211) September 2024
Gravitational waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter physics (GEMMA2)
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
210) July 2024
Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG17)
Padova, Italy
(invited plenary oral presentation)
209) July 2024
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (EAS 2024)
Padova, Italy
(oral presentation)
208) June 2024
LXV Congresso nazionale della Società Astronomica Italiana
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
207) May 2024
The 3rd Nanjing GRB Conference
Suzhou, China
(invited oral presentation)
206) May 2024
XIV Einstein Telescope Symposium
Maastricht, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
205) February 2024
Nevada Center For Astrophysics Symposium 2024
Las Vegas (Nevada), USA
(invited oral presentation)
204) February 2024
Universum V
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
203) February 2024
Looking AHEAD to soft gamma-ray Astrophysics: prospects and challenges
Ferrara, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
202) January 2024
Unveiling the Dynamic and Energetic Universe with Insight-HXMT for Six Years and Beyond
Zhuhai (virtual), China
(oral presentation)
201) December 2023
Einstein Telescope @ Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
200) November 2023
The Fourth National Workshop on the SKA Project
Catania, Italy
(oral presentation)
199) October 2023
IV Gravi-Gamma-Nu Workshop
L'Aquila (AQ), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
198) September 2023
7th INPE Astrophysics Advanced School - "Multi-Messenger Astrophysics"
San Jose dos Campos (virtual), Brazil
(invited lecturer)
197) August 2023
International Cosmic Rays Conference (ICRC) 2023
Nagoya (virtual), Japan
(oral presentation)
196) July 2023
European Astronomical Society Annual meeting - EAS 2023
Cracow, Poland
(oral presentation)
195) July 2023
10th GRavitation and AstroParticle Physcs in Amsterdam (GRAPPA) Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
194) June 2023
18th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara (virtual), Italy
(oral presentation)
193) June 2023
The Fifth Zeldovich Meeting
Yerevan (virtual), Armenia
(invited oral presentation)
192) June 2023
The X-Ray Universe 2023
Athens, Greece
(oral presentation)
191) June 2023
Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIV
Palermo (Mondello), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
190) May 2023
LXVII National Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
Camerino, Italy
(oral presentation)
189) April 2023
IberiCos 2023
17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting
Ponte de Lima, Portugal
(oral presentation)
188) March 2023
MAGIC23 - Matter,
Astrophysics, Gravitation,
Ions and Cosmology
Praia do Rosa (virtual), Brazil
(oral presentation)
187) February 2023
Universum IV
Trento, Italy
(oral presentation)
186) January 2023
High redshift Gamma-Ray-Bursts in the JWST era
Sexten, Italy
(two oral presentations)
185) December 2022
13th International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics (AXRO 2022)
Prague, Czech Repubblic
(two oral presentations)
184) November 2022
Third Athena Scientific Conference 2022: Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe
Barcelona, Spain
(oral presentation)
183) October 2022
INTEGRAL 20 Years -
Two Decades of High-Energy
Astronomy with INTEGRAL
Darmstadt, Germany
(oral presentation)
182) September 2022
International conference PUMA22 - Probing the Universe with Multimessenger Astrophysics
Sestri Levante, Italy
(oral presentation)
181) September 2022
31st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Prague, Czech Republic
(oral presentation)
180) September 2022
V Congresso Nazionale GRB
Trieste, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
179) August 2022
XI International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2022)
Crete (remote), Greece
(oral presentation)
178) July 2022
The 6th Bego Rencontre Summer School
Pescara, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
177) July 2022
7th Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
Barcelona, Spain
(oral presentation)
176) June 2022
EAS 2022 - European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting
Valencia, Spain
(invited oral presentation)
175) June 2022
OAS Very High-Energy Meeting: towards ASTRI and CTA
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
174) May 2022
33rd Rencontres de blois - Exploring the dark Universe
Blois, France
(oral presentation)
173) May 2022
Third European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation
Nice, France
(oral presentation)
172) May 2022
Prof. Remo Ruffini Festschrift. A conference in celebration of Prof. Remo Ruffini 80th birthday
Nice, France
(invited oral presentation)
171) April 2022
ASI Workshop on "Themes and objectives for future scientific space programmes"
Roma (virtual), Italy
(oral presentation)
170) March 2022
56th Rencontres de Moriond 2022 - Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe
La Thuile (AO), Italy
(oral presentation)
169) December 2021
Amati Fest at ICRANet
Pescara, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
168) December 2021
Neutron Star Astrophysics at the Crossroads:
Magnetars and the Multimessenger Revolution
Urbino (virtual), Italy
(oral presentation)
167) November 2021
The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium 2021
Paris-Saclay, France
(invited oral presentation)
166) November 2021
ICRANet-ISFAHAN Astronomy Meeting
Isfahan (virtual), Iran
(invited oral presentation)
165) October 2021
INTEGRAL: towards the third decade of X and Gamma ray observations
Cagliari, Italy
(oral presentation)
164) August 2021
10th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2021)
Crete (virtual), Greece
(oral presentation)
163) July 2021
Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG16
Rome (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentations)
162) June 2021
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (EAS 2021)
Leiden (virtual), The Netherlands
(solicited oral presentation)
161) June 2021
Second Gravi-Gamma Workshop
Volterra (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
160) April 2021
Ninth International Fermi Symposium
Johannesburg (virtual), South Africa
(oral presentation)
159) March 2021
THESEUS Conference 2021
Geneva (virtual), Switzerland
(invited oral presentation)
158) January 2021
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Sidney (virtual), Australia
(oral presentation)
157) December 2020
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020
San Diego (virtual), USA
(oral presentation)
156) December 2020
Exploring the transient Universe into the 2030s
London (virtual), UK
(invited oral presentation)
155) November 2020
HERMES-SP/TB 1st Workshop: Astrophysics with Cubesat
Trieste (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
154) October 2020
Coimbra AHEAD2020 Progress Meeting on Space Experiments for HE Astrophysics & Multi-messenger Astronomy
Coimbra (virtual), Portugal
(invited oral presentation)
153) September 2020
The Fourth Zeldovich virtual meeting
Minsk (virtual), Belarus
(oral presentation)
152) September 2020
9th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2020)
Crete (virtual), Greece
(invited oral presentation)
151) July 2020
Technological Advances in X-ray Astronomy: strategizing the path forward
Bologna (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
150) February 2020
UK & Italy Explore New Frontiers in Gamma-ray Astrophysics
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
149) December 2019
30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Portsmouth, UK
(oral presentation)
148) November 2019
1st International Conference on Applied Physics - ICAP 2019
Tirana, Albania
(invited oral presentation)
147) October 2019
The era of collaborative multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy: science and technology - The 2nd Pietro
Baracchi Conference
Firenze, Italy
(oral presentation)
146) September 2019
The extragalactic explosive Universe: the new era of transient surveys and data-driven discovery
Munich, Germany
(oral presentation)
145) September 2019
Ioffe Workshop on GRBs and other transient sources: 25 Years of Konus-Wind Experiment
Saint Petersburg, Russia
(invited oral presentation)
144) July 2019
High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VII (HEPRO VII)
Barcelona, Spain
(invited oral presentation)
143) July 2019
22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
Valencia, Spain
(oral presentation)
142) June 2019
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science - EWASS 2019
Lyon, France
(invited oral presentation)
141) May 2019
Gamma-Ray Bursts and Related Astrophysics in Multi-Messenger Era
Nanjing, China
(invited oral presentation)
140) April 2019
10th Einstein Telescope Symposium
Orosei (NU), Italy
(oral presentation)
139) February 2019
12th INTEGRAL Conference and 1st AHEAD Gamma-Ray Workshop
Geneva, Switzerland
(solicited oral presentation)
138) February 2019
Cosmic Beacons
Sexten, Italy
(oral presentation)
137) December 2018
First Italian SOXS workshop
Pavia, Italy
(oral presentation)
136) December 2018
The II National Workshop of SKA science and technology
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
135) October 2018
The multi-messenger astronomy:
gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves
Nizhnij Arkhyz and Terskol, Russia
(oral presentation)
134) September 2018
Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe:
The second scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
133) September 2018
SIGRAV 2018 - Black holes: Theory and Observations
Cagliari, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
132) July 2018
Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG15
Roma, Italy
(invited plenary oral presentation)
131) June 2018
XMM-Newton 2018 Science Workshop - Time-Domain Astronomy: A High Energy View
Madrid, Spain
(oral presentation)
130) May 2018
Mondello Workshop 2018 "Frontier Research in Astrophysics - III"
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
129) May 2018
AGILE 16th Science Workshop
"Fast and AGILE: Multimessenger Astrophysics and Beyond"
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
128) May 2018
LXII Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
Teramo, Italy
(oral presentation)
127) April 2018
UniVersum 2018
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
126) April 2018
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science - EWASS 2018
Liverpool, UK
(two oral presentations)
125) March 2018
PAFT 2018 - Current Problems in Theoretical Physics
Salerno, Italy
(oral presentation)
124) March 2018
Life on Earth and beyond: emergence, survivability, and impact on the environment
Bertinoro (FC), Italy
(oral presentation)
123) March 2018
GRAvitational-wave Science&technology Symposium (GRASS 2018)
Padova, Italy
(oral presentation)
122) January 2018
Clues on GRB origin from chemical evolution models
Sesto (BZ), Italy
(oral presentation)
121) December 2017
X Congresso Nazionale Oggetti Compatti
Padova, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
120) December 2017
10th International Workshop on Astronomical X.Ray Optics (AXRO 2017)
Prague, Czech Republic
(oral presentation)
119) November 2017
GW170817 - Italian contributions to the dawn of the multi-messenger astronomy
L'Aquila, Italy
(oral presentation)
118) October 2017
INTEGRAL Symposium 2017
Venice, Italy
(oral presentation)
117) October 2017
THESEUS Workshop 2017
Napoli, Italy
(Chair of the SOC and review presentation)
116) September 2017
NewCompStar School 2017 - "Neutron stars: theory, observations and gravitational waves emission"
Sofia, Bulgary
(invited lecturer)
115) June 2017
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2017)
Prague, Czech Repubblic
(two oral presentations)
114) June 2017
Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XII
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
113) June 2017
The X-ray Universe 2017
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
112) May 2017
15th AGILE Workshop "AGILE is 10"
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
111) February 2017
High Throughput X-ray Astronomy in the eXTP Era
Roma, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
110) February 2017
Bright & Dark Universe
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
109) December 2016
9th International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics (AXRO 2016)
Prague, Czech Republic
(invited oral presentation)
108) November 2016
EXtrAS (Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky) Workshop
Pavia, Italy
(oral presentation)
107) November 2016
IV Italian National Workshop on GRBs
Bergamo, Italy
(invited session chair/rapporteur and oral presentation)
106) October 2016
11th Workshop on Science with the New generation
of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments (SCINEGHE16)
Pisa, Italy
(oral presentation)
105) September 2016
SIGRAV 2016 XXII Conference - A Century of General Relativity
Cefalù, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
104) September 2016
Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Physics
Ferrara, Italy
103) July 2016
Signals from the Deep Past - Unveiling Early Cosmic Structures
Valletta, Malta
(oral presentation)
102) July 2016
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2016)
Athenis, Greece
(oral presentation)
101) June 2016
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation
Edinburgh, UK
(oral presentation)
100) December 2015
28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Geneve, Switzerland
(two oral presentations)
99) December 2015
Lagrange Institute Conference "Cosmology and First Light"
Paris, France
(oral presentation)
98) November 2015
International Conference "Albert Einstein and General Theory of Relativity"
Tirana, Albania
(invited oral presentation)
97) September 2015
IX Italian National Workshop on Compact Objects (CNOC IX)
Monte Porzio Catone - Rome, Italy
(oral presentation)
96) September 2015
Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Physics
Ferrara, Italy
95) July 2015
Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG14
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
94) April 2015
ISSI-BJ Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts: a tool to explore the
young Universe
Beijing, China
(invited oral presentation)
93) December 2014
7th International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics (AXRO 2014)
Prague, Czech Repubblic
(invited oral presentation)
92) December 2014
Swift: 10 Years of Discoveries
Rome, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
91) September 2014
Ioffe Workshop on GRBs and other transient sources:
20 Years of Konus-Wind Experiment
Saint Petersburg, Russia
(invited oral presentation)
90) September 2014
Third Bego Rencontres -
IRAP Ph.D. Erasmus Mundus school
Nice, France
89) July 2014
The first billion years of galaxies and black holes
Sesto (Sexten) (BZ), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
88) June 2014
The Unquiet Universe
Cefalu' (PA), Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
87) May 2014
LVIII Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
Milano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
86) April 2014
Bologna High Energy Meeting (BOHEME) 2014
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
85) October 2013
Photons, Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves: a multi-messenger search of
high energy astrophysical sources
Acco, Israel
(invited oral presentation)
84) October 2013
Second Annual Moscow GRB Conference: Gamma-Ray Bursts New Missions To New Science
Moscow, Russia
(invited oral presentation)
83) September 2013
VIII Italian National Workshop on Compact Objects (CNOC VIII)
Ferrara, Italy
(oral presentation)
82) July 2013
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2013
Turku, Finland
(two oral presentations)
81) June 2013
First LOFT UK Meeting
London, UK
(invited oral presentation)
80) May 2013
Frascati Workshop 2013 - Multiwavelegth behaviour of High-Energy Astrophysical Sources
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
79) May 2013
Second Bego Scientific Rencontres Meeting
Nice, France
(two oral presentations as lecturer)
78) April 2013
Huntsville Gamma Ray Burst Symposium - GRB 2013
Nashville TN, USA
(short oral / poster presentation and member of the
Scientific Organizing Committee)
77) January 2013
Scientific perspectives in the MeV domain
Paris, France
(oral presentation)
76) October 2012
XX SIGRAV Conference
Napoli, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
75) September 2012
Second LOFT Science Meeting
Toulouse, France
(oral presentation)
74) September 2012
Third Italian National Workshop on GRBs - "Lampi su Napoli"
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation and member of the
Scientific Organizing Committee)
73) July 2012
13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG13
Stockholm, Sweden
(solicited oral presentation)
72) June 2012
9th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Lecce, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
71) June 2012
First National Meeting on Science and Technology with SKA - The Italian pathway to SKA
Rome, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
70) May 2012
Gamma-Ray Bursts 2012 Conference
Munich, Germany
(oral presentation)
69) March 2012
Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae & Gamma-Ray Bursts
Nikko, Japan
(oral presentation)
68) November 2011
Swift and the surprising sky - The first 7 years of Swift
Milano, Italy
(oral presentation)
67) October 2011
LOFT Science Meeting
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
66) October 2011
Third Galileo - Xu Guangqi meeting
Beijing, China
(invited oral presentation)
65) October 2011
IRAP Ph.D. Erasmus Mundus Workshop
Les Houches, France
(invited lecturer)
64) September 2011
Second Ferrara Workshop on
X-ray Astrophysics up to 511 keV
Ferrara, Italy
(oral presentation)
63) July 2011
Chemical Evolution of GRB Host Galaxies
Sexten - Sesto Pusteria (BZ), Italy
(oral presentation)
62) July 2011
12th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
61) May 2011
Frascati Workshop 2011: Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano (ME), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
60) May 2011
GRBs as probes
Como, Italy
(oral presentation)
59) November 2010
Gamma Ray Bursts 2010 Conference
Annapolis MD, USA
(oral presentation)
58) September 2010
8th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Trieste, Italy
(oral presentation)
57) July 2010
The second Galileo - Xu Guangqi meeting
Ventimiglia, Italy
(oral presentation)
56) May 2010
Vulcano Workshop 2010 -
Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Vulcano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
55) May 2010
54th Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIT)
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
54) April 2010
8th AGILE Mini-Workshop - The Third Birthday
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
53) September 2009
The Shocking Universe
Venice, Italy
(Solicited oral presentation)
52) July 2009
Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
Paris, France
(Invited oral presentation)
51) June 2009
6th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
50) May 2009
Frascati Workshop 2009: Multifrequency Behaviour of
High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano (ME), Italy
(Invited oral presentation)
49) May 2009
53rd Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIT)
Pisa, Italy
(oral presentation)
48) February 2009
44th Rencontres de Moriond - Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe
La Thuile, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
47) October 2008
Third Biennial Leopoldina Conference on Dark Energy
Muenchen, Germany
(poster presentation)
46) September 2008
Workshop: "Probing Stellar Populations
out to the Distant Universe"
Cefalu' (PA), Italy
(oral presentation)
45) July 2008
Third Stuckelberg Workshop
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
44) July 2008
Workshop "Dark Energy and Dark Matter"
Lyon, France
(oral presentation)
43) May 2008
Vulcano Workshop 2008: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Vulcano (ME), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
42) May 2008
52th Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIT)
Teramo, Italy
(oral presentation)
41) March 2008
Workshop "43rd Rencontres de Moriond - Cosmology"
La Thuile, Italy
(oral presentation)
40) October 2007
Workshop "Five years of INTEGRAL"
Cagliari, Italy
(oral presentation)
39) September 2007
National School of Astrophysics - Cycle IX, Course II
Venice, Italy
(two lectures)
38) August 2007
Workshop "A century of cosmology: past, present and future"
Venice, Italy
(poster presentation)
37) July 2007
4th Italian-Sino Workshop: astrophysics at z > 6
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
36) June 2007
10th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
35) June 2007
VIth Marseille International Cosmology Conference: "Energetic events in the universe: from physics to
Marseille, France
(invited oral presentation)
34) May 2007
Workshop "Simbol-X: the hard X-ray universe in focus"
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
33) March 2007
Workshop "070228: the next decade of Gamma-Ray Burst afterglow"
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
32) December 2006
EDGE General Meeting
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
31) November 2006
Meeting of the Italian Swift collaboration
Merate, Italy
(oral presentation)
30) July 2006
Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
Berlin, Germany
(two oral presentation)
29) June 2006
4th Workshop on: Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray
Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
28) June 2006
SWIFT and GRBs: Unveiling the Relativistic Universe
Venice, italy
(solicited oral presentation)
27) November 2005
Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology: the Einstein's Legacy
Munich, Germany
(oral presentation)
26) September 2005 International School of Space Science 2005:
Gamma-Ray Bursts: from Astrophysics to Cosmology
L'Aquila, Italy
(invited lecture)
25) May 2005 Frascati Workshop 2005 Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
24) October 2004 Fourth Workshop Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
Roma, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
23) July 2004 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Paris, France
(poster presentation)
22) June 2004 Second Workshop on Science with the new generation
of high energy Gamma-ray experiments
Bari, Italy
(oral presentation)
21) April 2004 XLVIII Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana SAIT 2004
Milano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
20) December 2003 Third National Workshop on Compact Object Astrophysics (CNOC)
Monte Porzio Carone (RM), Italy
(oral presentation)
19) August 2003 JENAM Conference 2003 - Minisymposium Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Budapest, Hungary
(invited oral presentation)
18) May - June 2003 Frascati Workshop 2003 Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
17) May 2003 International Workshop The Restless High Energy Universe
Amsterdam, NL
(poster presentation)
16) September 2002 Third Symposium Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
(oral presentation and member of the Local Organizing Committee)
15) July 2002 International Advanced School "Leonardo da Vinci" -
Summer Course 2002: Mission concept and payload design
in X- and Gamma-ray Astronomy
Bologna, Italy
(Member of the School Organizing Committee)
14) December 2001 First National Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts
Monte Porzio Catone, Italy
(oral presentation)
13) September 2001 Second National Workshop on Compact Object Astrophysics (CNOC)
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation and member of the Local Organizing Committee)
12) May 2001 Frascati Workshop 2001 Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano, Italy
(oral presentation)
11) May 2001XLV Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana SAIT 2001
(oral presentation)
10)) October 2000 Secondo Symposium Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
(oral presentation)
9) May 2000 IX Convegno del Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Cosmica
(oral presentation)
8) September 1999 LXXXV Congresso Nazionale della Societá
Italiana di Fisica
(oral presentation)
7) September 1999 Symposium X-ray Astronomy '999
(poster presentation)
6) May 1999 Congresso Nazionale Oggetti Compatti (CNOC)
(oral presentation)
5) November 1998 Symposium Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
(poster presentation and member of the Local Organizing Committee)
4) September - October 1998 LXXXIV Congresso Nazionale della Societá Italiana di Fisica
(oral presentation)
3) October 1997 Symposium The Active X-Ray Sky, Accademia dei Lincei
(poster presentation)
2) July - August 1997 42simo SPIE's International Symposium on
Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation
San Diego, California, USA
(oral presentation)
1) April 1997 VII Symposium Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano di Fisica
Villa Olmo (CO)
(poster presentation)
Lorenzo Amati
October 10, 2017